Most Luxurious Destination to Propose

Proposing to a loved one can be a very nerve racking time for the person who is preparing to propose, especially trying to find the right time, place and moment to make it happen. Proposing to some people is just as big a deal as actually getting married and making sure you have the most luxurious wedding, so when choosing how you’re going to propose just make it as luxurious a moment as you want your wedding day to be.

The best way to make it amazing is by doing it abroad. There are several destinations that are very popular when it comes to proposing, including New York, where most people choose to propose in Central Park. But another very luxurious destination is Paris. Paris the capital of France and the perfect destination to take a short getaway and propose to your loved one. With its already romantic reputation. Imagine standing by the Eiffel Tower and seeing your partners face as you get down on one knee.. Surely it can’t get any better than that!?