Luxury Beach Villas

If you’re looking to go on a luxury holiday away from the world of work and the stresses on home life then what better than a luxury beach villa. I was searching through the internet thinking of things I could write about, including tips and ideas, on hiring out the perfect luxury beach villa when I came across a villa rental company: Luxury Villa Rentals, you can probably see why I came across it seen as I was searching for luxury beach villas, and it lead me to a page full of amazing luxury beach villas!

They have first-class choice of luxury beach villas worldwide in amazing destinations including the USA, Asia, Caribbean and Europe. No matter what type of villa you’re looking for it seems as though Luxury Villa Rentals has one suited for everyone! Having your very own beach villa to relax in for a week, two weeks and even more would be ideal for some down time away from work. 

So I suggest you definitely go check out Luxury Villa Rentals as you will be amazed at some of the luxury villas they have available, and by the beach! Who wouldn’t want to wake up to the sound of the calming sea, and be able to go out for a morning swim.



Disney Land

Disney Land is one of the dream places for any child, well anyone really! Who doesn’t want to experience the magic of Disney Land Orlando!? Walt Disney World attracts an annual attendance of 47 million so this just shows you how many people want to experience the magic as well.

So we’ve discovered that EVERYONE wants to visit Disney Land, but then comes the trouble of finding somewhere to stay with onsite hotels and accommodation sometimes being ridiculously expensive some people just tend to decide to go for it and make it probably one of the most expensive holidays they’ll ever go on. But it doesn’t have to be…

Have you considered renting out a villa? Yes, this will mean you have to buy the tickets separately but this doesn’t mean it will be anymore any less expensive. There are villa rentals from as little as £300 for a WHOLE week close to Disneyland Parks so if is definitely something to consider. Here is a whole range of Villas which have been picked out by a villa rental company called Top Villas of villas that are within 6 miles of Disney World Florida and close to the other parks.



Wining and Dining in California

Going away on holiday it is always essential that you know you’re going somewhere that has some great restaurants and cuisines available for you to try and eat whilst you’re away. California is definitely a good choice. If you’re constantly cooking at home it is always great to be able to go away and not have to think about what you’re going to be cooking and stressing out about it all, as you’ll be getting it cooked for you.

So here are the best restaurants in California:

1. Michael Mina

With a chain of 18 restaurants elsewhere Mina is one of the most successful chefs and restaurateurs in the country.

2. Jitlada 

This restaurant specialises in Thai dishes and many of the specialities and dishes cannot be found anywhere else in America.

3. Boulevard

If you’re looking for some modern and sophisticated American cuisine this is the place to go, especially if you have never been to America before and want to try all the cuisine there is available.

4. Son of a Gun

Fish lover? This is the restaurant for you, and the menu, to keep up excitement is forever changing, so if you’re on holiday for a while you may be in for a real treat if the menu gets changed during the time you are out there so you get the chance to try some different foods.

5. The Bazaar

Serving spanish cuisine it has said to leave you with a “memorable, one-of-a-kind experience”.

6. La Taqueria

Can’t really go to America and not have tacos at least once! Well, La Taqueria are said to serve the “best tacos”. It is one of the more expensive places to buy tacos, but you pay for quality and thats what you’re said to get!

These are just a few of the amazing restaurants America has to offer in the beautiful California! To find out more visit here:


Top Tips on how to Stay Safe Abroad

Firstly, decide where you’re going on holiday and then get it booked! Perhaps you decided to stay in a luxury villa or just fancy going all inclusive at a hotel with water slides perfect for children, whatever takes your fancy, once you have booked your holiday you’ll need to think about what it is going to be like abroad…

Being abroad is completely different to the UK (but don’t worry about any of this, just safety precautions to ensure you enjoy your holiday!), so here are top tips on how to stay safe abroad:

1) Keep an eye on your possessions- make sure that you are not displaying anything valuable, as this will attract unwanted attention.

2) Plan routes to and from where you are staying so it is easier to find where you are looking for and avoids mistakes, therefore less wrong turns will be made, which could potentially lead to danger.

3) Know local customs There are many gestures that you may be accustomed to, but are frowned upon in other countries where they may be seen as offensive.

4) Dress appropriately- learn how the locals dress. If the locals are dressed in a moderate way, you should dress the same, as you do not want to cause offense to the local community and culture.

5) Before leaving for your travels, you should make copies of everything before you leave, such as; your passport, travel tickets, driver’s license, and any other important documents. If anything unfortunate were to happen, having additional copies can make it easier for you need to recover any of your documents if they were to be stolen.

5) Make sure that you get the addresses and phone numbers of your country’s embassy before your arrival to the foreign country as this can help you if you end up in trouble with the law or if you have any important documents stolen.

6) Check if you can drink the tap water- you want to be safe and healthy whilst on holiday; not in bed and unwell because you didn’t know that the water was undrinkable!

Making sure that you prepare for your holiday is a crucial aspect of the planning process before leaving to go abroad! Being safe is usually taken for granted and people over look the idea of being in a situation abroad where they are not safe, however being prepared for worst case scenarios has many benefits which are hugely important if anything bad was to happen.

Tackling problems that may occur on long haul flights Blog

There can be many aspects to prepare for when flying a long journey; below are some hints and tips that can help your journey pass quicker and seem easier; 

1) Knowing what to wear on a long haul flight is a must as you need to be comfortable for the lengthy journey ahead. As the flights get longer, your outfits should be cosier. Making sure that your are warm on the flight is an essential, as there is always air conditioning, and if you are without a jacket  the journey will be most uncomfortable. Another tip to tackle the air conditioning is to moisturise before your flight, as it dries out your skin, alongside bringing a chap stick, so your lips maintain the moisture.

2) Shoes need to be practical as if you have a transfer flight, you need to get from A to B in a specific amount of time, carrying your hand luggage, sometimes collecting suitcases; therefore wearing shoes that have a heel or that don’t fit perfectly could cause discomfort- which if you are wearing them for a long period of time, you do not want to be experiencing the pain!

3) Make sure you get plenty of sleep. Although plane chairs are not the easiest sorts of chairs to relax in, try to get a good amount of sleep, as it will make the journey go a lot quicker! This can be easier if you bring music with you, as you can drift off to the sound of your songs instead of to a baby crying!

4) Keep hydrated! You may underestimate how much the air conditioning affects your system, so make sure you buy a bottle of water at the airport, or buy a drink on the flight!

The destination is well worth the flight, therefore being slightly uncomfortable for a short amount of time, in comparison to the whole duration of your stay abroad will be worth it!


Travelling to a country the other side of the world may be an exciting prospect, however getting your head around the time differences and cultures may be a little more confusing! 

Making sure that you can fully prepare for any jet lag you may encounter can be a tough task, however it may be essential if you are planning anything to do the first few days you are in the country.

If travelling abroad whilst on a business trip, if you are in need of a skype meeting, you need to be aware of the time difference of the other individual, as you do not want to miss the meeting! Luckily if you’re just crossing the channel to go to France they are only an hour ahead, however, you don’t want to turn up to that meeting an hour early, its always good to look keen, but that keen!?

Not only do you need to consider the time differences, you also need to adapt to the cultural differences, understanding if it is a low or a high context culture. If you are travelling to a country that is of a high context, there are certain aspects that need to be respected, for example, changing the clothing you may wear to adapt to the culture- not showing as much skin, as it may be considered offensive, must be thought through. This may not necessarily just apply to those who are on a business trip, this could also apply to those taking a vacation.

Another cultural aspect may be how you approach situations, for example in one culture, eating a whole plate of food may be seen as challenging the generosity of the host, therefore may be taken offensively; however in other countries, finishing a dish just suggests they have enjoyed the meal and is considered polite.

Understanding different aspects of etiquette and tradition of other cultures needs to be thought through by the individual visiting the country, and can often be overlooked by many travellers.

Travel Insurance

Going abroad and don’t know the benefits of getting a reliable travel insurance? 

Although getting travel insurance may not be the most important thing on your list of things to do, it can be essential. Here are some reasons why it can make or break your holiday:

1) With some travel insurance, if you fall sick, you could have some of your medical needs covered, although you have to be careful that your insurance does cover you on this as there are some that have limits and are not covered for everything.

2)  If you have to change the dates of your trip due to an unforeseen circumstances, the travel insurance may cover these changes.

3) If any of your personal possessions such as luggage, your passport or money is stolen or lost during your trip, travel insurance covers this to a degree. Although, like anything, there are limits with how much can be covered, there is usually some sort of compensation for the items that have been lost or stolen. If your passport is stolen, having travel insurance ensures a replacement in a timely manner. All of the small print must be read properly, as there can be large changes which you may not notice.

Making sure that you have gone through all of the information with what is covered and what is not is vital, as if you get injured on holiday, you may automatically assume you are covered with the insurance, however with most insurances, this is not the case if the accident was taken place whilst taking part in a sport which is considered to be extreme. This is a trap that many people fall into, therefore; small print is something that should always be double checked, and then checked again!

Jabs Information

Finding information on whether you need injections for travelling or whether you are going to be visiting a destination where you are unsure which injections are needed- making sure you double check and confirm with a nurse or GP to talk about what you are anxious about, if anything, and put your mind at ease and make sure you are prepared for your holiday abroad!

Booking an appointment with a nurse at your local doctors surgery can be a key way to understand what is needed and what you need to prepare for. This can range from injections that cost you, therefore being able to afford them is important! The injections are not all supplied by the NHS, for example, the Rabies injection is not available through the NHS, therefore making sure you book an appointment with the hospital to make sure you have the jabs in the correct amount of time before your travels is essential.

Completing your own research is another thing that should be top on your to do list- for example knowing where there are higher chances of contracting an infection are, as in some areas it may be more likely that there are wild animals, so having certain vaccinations are fundamental. 

Researching whether you actually need the jabs could save you a lot of money, as in some cases, you may be told that you need every single injection (even if you are not needing all of them)! Although in some instances, it is vital to get the jabs- therefore understanding and having a basic understanding of what you need is always good to have. Thailand is one destination in which you may have to get vaccinations for!

The destination you are travelling to may not need any injections at all, however making sure you are safe rather than sorry is the way forward.

Fancy going on holiday somewhere cold?

Fancy something a little different and taking a trip to somewhere cold? Well I have come up with a list of the best destinations to visit if you like the cold!

Russia: why not wrap up warm in one of the famous Russian hats with the ear flaps and a huge jacket to keep yourselves warm in Russia; and (for the adults) why not a take a few shots of vodka with a meal to warm up inside even more! With so much to do in Russia whilst wandering around in the nice cold fresh air and perhaps with snow under your feet, how could this not be the perfect cold holiday destination?

Lapland, Finland: this most definitely sounds like a great place to visit! Not only is it cold but there are reindeers! REINDEERS!? If you have children or if you’re like me and a big kid yourself then you will most likely want to take a trip to Lapland.

Dumont_DUrville_Terre_Adelie_Coast_East_AntarcticaEast Antarctica: this is EXTREME cold and actually isn’t human-friendly, it is the coldest place on earth and can be around -60 degrees during the coldest months! But hey why not still think about going! Being able to brag about how you managed to endure such a ridiculous climate you would also be able to check out the penguins! Yes, you heard penguins!!!

So these are just three cold destinations in which you can visit. I personally enjoy going somewhere warm but for all those who enjoy the cold I hope you enjoy reading this and find the perfect cold destination to holiday in!



Choosing a Villa

When choosing a villa you’ll need to make sure you’re renting out one that meets all you needs, going for a quiet get away? Then a villa in the countryside would be best. Looking for some chill out time to relax by the pool sipping cocktails all day? Then a villa with a pool will quite obviously do the trick! 

Firstly, set a budget. Depending on how out there you want to go with your villa and what you want it to have will depend on the price of a villa. Quite obviously a villa with a private pool or beach is going to be far more expensive than a villa with no pool or private beach. So you will need to set a reasonable price for what you’re expecting to get out of the holiday and don’t forget to include flights and spending money as well as the amount you are willing to spend on renting out a villa.

Where do you want to go? There is likely to be a villa to rent out anyway and everywhere so having to decide where you want to go may be a little difficult as you have such a huge range to choose from! Looking for somewhere near the beach? Then how about the Caribbean? Or Barbados?

You then need to decide what you want to get out of the holiday as mentioned in the introduction. Do you want a relaxing holiday with time to spend with your family, because then a villa with a private pool would be perfect. Do you want a villa near the amenities of the destination you’re at.

Choose the right sized property, how many people are going? Are there enough bathrooms and bedrooms to accommodate everyone there. Would it be practical for someone to sleep in the lounge if needs be? 

Villas are usually all self catering, and luckily some come with a huge kitchen with the right kitchen utensils and gadgets you’ll need to make some great meals! But you’ll need to make sure you have all the right equipment to do so and ask the owner what there is available.

Check out what facilities the property has, especially if you’re taking children, who may likely get bored whilst on holiday and so check to see if perhaps there is a television? With a DVD player? Then why not pack some of their favourite films. This could also mean you could spend some evenings having family time eating dinner in front of the television watching your favourite family films.

Dates; in the school holidays most villas will get booked up quick so you’ll have to be quick with booking if you decide to go in the holidays, but if you’re flexible most villas are available all year round.

So there you have it a check list on how to book the right villa.