Best Destinations to Travel Alone

Travelling solo means you have free reign over where you visit and what you do on YOUR holiday, so you should definitely take this opportunity to visit the places you have always wanted to but have never had the chance to. Great destinations to travel solo too are Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, USA and Bhutan.

Why Australia? For starters it is the furthest place away from the UK, so if you’re looking to travel solo because you want to get away from everything then Australia is most certainly a GREAT place to do so! Lots of younger travellers choose to visit here to experience life “down under” before getting tied down by a job. Australia has a very outdoorsy culture and a relaxing vibe so you’ll never be short of company out there and you’ll feel very comfortable.

New Zealand… Just like Australia, New Zealand is known for being outdoorsy plus being full of gorgeous scenery. There is a huge choice of hostels, campsites, hotels and wooden lodges for you to choose from when it comes to deciding where you’re going to be staying. You can even see whale and dolphins if you visit the North Island, and the South Island has beautiful waterfalls. Not forgetting Queenstown which is the adventure capital.

Thailand is known to be one of the friendliest in the world; so travelling solo here you will be treated amazingly. Not only that, Thailand is incredibly easy to visit with great transport links, amazing accommodation and there is guarantee that you’ll meet many other like minded solos.

USA is definitely a great starting point if you have never travelled alone before. America has so many amazing attractions for you to visit, plus they LOVE the British accent so it won’t be hard meeting people and talking to the locals! If you’re looking for sunshine Florida and California are ideal, but if you fancy visiting the party scene you should check out Miami.

Finally, Bhutan is one of the most cultural countries in the world and you can actually only enter the kingdom if you are on a pre-booked tour. You are escorted around and put up in a 4* rated accommodation and treated to beautiful cuisine. Bhutan is a very peaceful place, but if you’re looking to meet others Thimpu is great and even has a good nightlife.