
Travelling to a country the other side of the world may be an exciting prospect, however getting your head around the time differences and cultures may be a little more confusing! 

Making sure that you can fully prepare for any jet lag you may encounter can be a tough task, however it may be essential if you are planning anything to do the first few days you are in the country.

If travelling abroad whilst on a business trip, if you are in need of a skype meeting, you need to be aware of the time difference of the other individual, as you do not want to miss the meeting! Luckily if you’re just crossing the channel to go to France they are only an hour ahead, however, you don’t want to turn up to that meeting an hour early, its always good to look keen, but that keen!?

Not only do you need to consider the time differences, you also need to adapt to the cultural differences, understanding if it is a low or a high context culture. If you are travelling to a country that is of a high context, there are certain aspects that need to be respected, for example, changing the clothing you may wear to adapt to the culture- not showing as much skin, as it may be considered offensive, must be thought through. This may not necessarily just apply to those who are on a business trip, this could also apply to those taking a vacation.

Another cultural aspect may be how you approach situations, for example in one culture, eating a whole plate of food may be seen as challenging the generosity of the host, therefore may be taken offensively; however in other countries, finishing a dish just suggests they have enjoyed the meal and is considered polite.

Understanding different aspects of etiquette and tradition of other cultures needs to be thought through by the individual visiting the country, and can often be overlooked by many travellers.