Last Minute Holiday

So a lot of people’s holiday allowance has just been restarted and now you have a whole lot of holiday to use up AGAIN. Although, maybe blowing it all at once isn’t the best idea. But if you used up all last years holiday too quick and so haven’t had any time off for a while then why not take a last minute break away? Now is the best time to look for amazing last minute deals.

A great way to take a relaxing break is by hiring out your very own villa, whether it be in the middle of nowhere or somewhere in the middle of a busy town, no matter where it is you will be able to get away from everything with your very own villa, which will enable you to have your very own space. Samui Island Villas currently have some great last minute deals on some beautiful villas on the island of Thailand in Koh Samui.  

Luxury Beach Villas

If you’re looking to go on a luxury holiday away from the world of work and the stresses on home life then what better than a luxury beach villa. I was searching through the internet thinking of things I could write about, including tips and ideas, on hiring out the perfect luxury beach villa when I came across a villa rental company: Luxury Villa Rentals, you can probably see why I came across it seen as I was searching for luxury beach villas, and it lead me to a page full of amazing luxury beach villas!

They have first-class choice of luxury beach villas worldwide in amazing destinations including the USA, Asia, Caribbean and Europe. No matter what type of villa you’re looking for it seems as though Luxury Villa Rentals has one suited for everyone! Having your very own beach villa to relax in for a week, two weeks and even more would be ideal for some down time away from work. 

So I suggest you definitely go check out Luxury Villa Rentals as you will be amazed at some of the luxury villas they have available, and by the beach! Who wouldn’t want to wake up to the sound of the calming sea, and be able to go out for a morning swim.



Travelling alone

Always dreamed to go travelling, but no one else shares this same dream? Well fear not, travelling solo could be great! Here are some great tips to help you when travelling alone: downloadgh

1. Plan in advance; although the excitement of not knowing where you’re going or what you’re doing does sound great, but it may not always end well. Who knows where you could end up.. So doing a little advance planning won’t hurt, you don’t need a detailed plan but for the first night at least, make sure you know where you’re staying and perhaps book your hostel/hotel before you leave.

2. Pack light; carrying massive bags that way a ton around whilst travelling will be tiring and could quite possibly ruin the whole experience for you, so just bring the essentials but enough to last you for however long you plan to be travelling for.  

3. Try to arrive during the day; being in an unfamiliar city and not knowing where you are going can be some what hard, so make sure you try and arrive during the daylight so you can see exactly where you’re going, and don’t risk getting lost.

4. Mix with others; see other travellers? Why not try and start a conversation with them, in the hostel lounges is a great place to meet short-term friends, and could also help you pick up some excellent travel advice.

5. Watch the world around you; whilst sitting in a cafe sipping on a warm hot chocolate watch what others do, how they act and react to certain things, this could help you learn how things are done in that country. 

6. Open up; learn to talk to strangers (even though we’re told not to when we’re younger), smile and start a conversation, making a few friends, short-term, can’t hurt.

7. Go out and enjoy yourself; do as much as you can, visit pubs, clubs, concerts and theatres. You’re travelling alone so you can do what you want so why not make the most of it!

8. Don’t be put off by dining alone; a lot of people actually do this, enjoy it! Perhaps go to restaurants with communal tables or counters, this could make it easier to make conversation with people and then you may not end up dining alone!

9. Sign up for courses; depending on how long you’re planning to stay in one place why not join several courses, language? Why not actually learn the language of the place you’re staying, this could help you make conversation with the locals! 

10. Go on organised tours; going on tours will enable you to meet other people and will give you a chance to relax, let someone else take care of all the details for you.

11. Always have the essentials; when travelling alone it is best to be a lot safer, meaning you’ll need to make sure you remember where you’re staying, so write it down on a piece of paper and make sure you pack it in your bag for the day, have a copy of emergency contacts just incase and any important documents you may need.

12. Save on phone charges; think about buying an unlocked phone and then buy a SIM card for the phone in each country as you travel, as this will save you heaps! 

13; Skype; when you find free wi-fi why not use Skype, its free and will allow you to keep in contact with family and friends whilst you’re away, and will also ensure them that you’re safe. 

14; Be safe; steer clear of dark alleys, being seen and in a public place is always safer than a private place.



Top Tips on how to Stay Safe Abroad

Firstly, decide where you’re going on holiday and then get it booked! Perhaps you decided to stay in a luxury villa or just fancy going all inclusive at a hotel with water slides perfect for children, whatever takes your fancy, once you have booked your holiday you’ll need to think about what it is going to be like abroad…

Being abroad is completely different to the UK (but don’t worry about any of this, just safety precautions to ensure you enjoy your holiday!), so here are top tips on how to stay safe abroad:

1) Keep an eye on your possessions- make sure that you are not displaying anything valuable, as this will attract unwanted attention.

2) Plan routes to and from where you are staying so it is easier to find where you are looking for and avoids mistakes, therefore less wrong turns will be made, which could potentially lead to danger.

3) Know local customs There are many gestures that you may be accustomed to, but are frowned upon in other countries where they may be seen as offensive.

4) Dress appropriately- learn how the locals dress. If the locals are dressed in a moderate way, you should dress the same, as you do not want to cause offense to the local community and culture.

5) Before leaving for your travels, you should make copies of everything before you leave, such as; your passport, travel tickets, driver’s license, and any other important documents. If anything unfortunate were to happen, having additional copies can make it easier for you need to recover any of your documents if they were to be stolen.

5) Make sure that you get the addresses and phone numbers of your country’s embassy before your arrival to the foreign country as this can help you if you end up in trouble with the law or if you have any important documents stolen.

6) Check if you can drink the tap water- you want to be safe and healthy whilst on holiday; not in bed and unwell because you didn’t know that the water was undrinkable!

Making sure that you prepare for your holiday is a crucial aspect of the planning process before leaving to go abroad! Being safe is usually taken for granted and people over look the idea of being in a situation abroad where they are not safe, however being prepared for worst case scenarios has many benefits which are hugely important if anything bad was to happen.


Travelling to a country the other side of the world may be an exciting prospect, however getting your head around the time differences and cultures may be a little more confusing! 

Making sure that you can fully prepare for any jet lag you may encounter can be a tough task, however it may be essential if you are planning anything to do the first few days you are in the country.

If travelling abroad whilst on a business trip, if you are in need of a skype meeting, you need to be aware of the time difference of the other individual, as you do not want to miss the meeting! Luckily if you’re just crossing the channel to go to France they are only an hour ahead, however, you don’t want to turn up to that meeting an hour early, its always good to look keen, but that keen!?

Not only do you need to consider the time differences, you also need to adapt to the cultural differences, understanding if it is a low or a high context culture. If you are travelling to a country that is of a high context, there are certain aspects that need to be respected, for example, changing the clothing you may wear to adapt to the culture- not showing as much skin, as it may be considered offensive, must be thought through. This may not necessarily just apply to those who are on a business trip, this could also apply to those taking a vacation.

Another cultural aspect may be how you approach situations, for example in one culture, eating a whole plate of food may be seen as challenging the generosity of the host, therefore may be taken offensively; however in other countries, finishing a dish just suggests they have enjoyed the meal and is considered polite.

Understanding different aspects of etiquette and tradition of other cultures needs to be thought through by the individual visiting the country, and can often be overlooked by many travellers.

Some amazing things to do whilst in the Caribbean

The Caribbean has definitely got to be one of the many places most people would like to visit. From the beautiful white sands and clear blue seas to the wondrous amounts of attractions and sights to see who wouldn’t want to visit the Caribbean!? So if you’re thinking about visiting the Caribbean as your next holiday destination I recommend you check out some of the amazing things to do. Here are a list of just a few of the things in the Caribbean:

Marigot Bay – is a picturesque bay, a beautiful sight to see and spend the day relaxing in the sun whilst taking in the breath taking views of all the stunning yachts.

Dunn’s River Falls – is a famous waterfall in Jamaica, a major tourist attraction which receives thousands of visitors each.

Pitons – these are two of the most photographed landmarks on the island. So if you enjoy going hiking or mountain climbing this is one attraction definitely suited to you.

Pigeon Island National Park – is a 40 acre islet in the northern region of Saint Lucia. The Saint Lucia Jazz Festival is held here and the sight itself has a lot of history behind it.

Paradise Island – it says it all in the name really, being one of the most luxurious resorts. Once going unnoticed by tourists due to being just a lonely piece of island Paradise Island is now a very well visited resort.

Kensington Oval – is a stadium located in Bridgetown on the island of Barbados. It is mainly used as a sport facility, hosting mostly cricket.

Castillo de San Pedro de la Roca – is a fortress on the coast of the Cuban city of Santiago de Cuba and overlooks the bay. Enjoy sightseeing and historical attractions? This is definitely one place you should visit.

These are just a few of the many attractions the Caribbean has to offer, all of which are very luxurious.