Reasons to Book a Villa

There are so many advantages to booking a villa rental instead of booking a hotel. Firstly, if you have a big family or there is a big group of you all going on holiday then it will work out a lot cheaper! Imagine, if there are 10 of you and you can only have 3 or 4 people in each hotel room you will end up having to book another 2 rooms on top of that, which will all together work out a lot more expensive!

Service; there will be no waiting around until the hotel says its times for dinner, you’ll be able to make food whenever you wish, you won’t have maids coming in to do room service and cleaning and so you’ll be able to do what you want. And talking of food, if you rent a villa with a pool you’ll be able to have poolside BBQ’s with as much food as you wish, and will cost you a lot less than paying for one at a 5 star hotel.

Privacy, want to wander round your villa wearing just your bikini or stay in  your pj’s or dressing gown all day long? Then you can, you can do exactly what you want, have your music as loud as you wish, watch DVD’s literally anything as you won’t have anyone coming into your room to clean.

Location, most villas are in the most luxurious destinations in the most beautiful locations, such as beachfront, ocean views or even on private islands. Most villas are also very tasteful and comfortable making the whole holiday experience amazing.

Security, you won’t have to worry about paying extra money for a safety deposit box or even any of the other extras that hotels make you pay including air conditioning and extra fans. Finally, if you go out of season you will find some amazing deals, especially if you have flexibility when it comes to the dates of going.

So if this isn’t enough to persuade you as to why you should rent a villa on holiday then I don’t know what is!

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